BALFOLK: Dancing on live music

Balfolk is a combination of traditional European folk dances, music and above all a lot of fun! During our ‘bals’ we are dancing to live music, mostly in couples or groups. Our events usually start with a short dance initiation, so you can join in right away. In addition, many dancers won't mind explaining you briefly if you don't know a dance yet, so no need to be afraid! There is also room for improvisation would you feel comfortable to do so. Within balfolk, it is not about dancing the dances as faithfully as possible, but rather about having a good time.

A JAM session is typically held after the concerts so make sure to bring your instrument!

Everyone is welcome to our family-friendly balfolk events and have a wonderful time :-)


At ComSiBal, we are dedicated to building a strong sense of community. As a non-profit organization, we rely entirely on the invaluable support of our volunteers, to whom we are deeply grateful. Our event contributions are based on a sliding scale, allowing you to choose the amount you wish to give. We also invite you to volunteer and, in return for your time and effort, enjoy free food and access to our events!